Posts in Living Well & Anti-Aging
How A “European Secret” Reduces Heart Disease Risk

Plant sterols aren’t something you hear much about in the United States, yet these compounds are regularly added to foods in Europe. The health benefits are impressive — so much that they’ve been dubbed as the “European secret” for cholesterol and heart disease risk by some.

Here’s what you need to know about plant sterols and how to get more in your diet.

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Coronavirus Got You Craving Carbs? Here's Why.

Coronavirus got you craving carbs?

Food is a natural way to comfort ourselves, a key reason why many find themselves thinking about carb-rich foods and baked goods with what is currently going on in our country and world right now. I’m sharing what’s behind this, and I’m also giving you strategies to combat these extra cravings so you don’t get off track on your health goals!

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Top Ten Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Heart Health

Inflammation is at the root of a lot of conditions, and heart disease is no exception! If you’ve been keeping up with the blog then you know I’ve been sharing my favorite anti-inflammatory food options for all sorts of different health and wellness concerns., and today I am sharing my top ten anti-inflammatory foods to keep your heart strong and healthy!

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