How A “European Secret” Reduces Heart Disease Risk

Plant sterols aren’t something you hear much about in the United States, yet these compounds are regularly added to foods in Europe. The health benefits are impressive — so much that they’ve been dubbed as the “European secret” for cholesterol and heart disease risk by some.

Here’s what you need to know about plant sterols and how to get more in your diet.

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Quick Oven Flank Steak and 3 Easy Meals for Leftovers

Flank steak is one of my favorite cuts of lean beef to cook because it has cooks quickly in the oven or the grill and has a great flavor that requires minimal seasoning. Another reason I regularly plan flank steak in our menus — and why you’ll find me preparing it at the start of the week and making extra — is so I can keep leftovers on hand in the fridge to use as a lean protein for quick meals.

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