What is the Pegan Diet?


First introduced by Dr. Mark Hyman in 2015, the Pegan Diet is a new approach to eating that combines principles of the Paleo diet with vegan diet principles—a combination that sounds counterintuitive and, frankly, close to impossible. How could the protein-heavy, caveman-inspired Paleo diet find any middle ground with a diet that restricts all animal foods—ghee included?

Surprisingly, the Pegan Diet works by taking strengths from Paleo and vegan principles to create a new plan, one that is not only more moderate, but also healthier, than either plan individually. And after digging into the research, I started viewing the diet mashup as a fairly sensible eating approach and a definite improvement to the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet).

Click here to find my recently published article on Cooking Light, where I lay out my verdict on the Pegan Diet, including all the details on what you can and cannot eat and what amounts are recommended.  Think you'd want to give it a try?  Find Pegan diet friendly recipes at the end of the article.  Have you tried the Pegan diet? If so, tell me about your experience! 

What is the Pegan Diet? // CarolynWilliamsRD.com