10 Essentials Everyone Should Have in Their First Dorm or Kitchen
Anyone who lives in a college town will know that I am not exaggerating when I say that there were only 5 containers of detergent left, one half-gallon of Fairlife milk in the cooler, and completely empty shelves on the pillow aisle when I went to Target on Sunday morning. If you don’t live in the college town, then you probably are wondering what the heck is going on, but it’s just the 30,000+ students returning to campus and all moving into new living spaces during the first three weeks of August.
Locals adapt (as in, I only venture to ALDI on Monday mornings before 11am and probably won’t drive through campus until Christmas break), and when I walked into Target Sunday, I couldn’t help but remember just how exciting it was to go shopping for my first new place. Obviously, the kitchen (or the microwave and mini-fridge area) and a space to keep kitchen essentials to the minimum was my first priority. Well, after color-coordinating bedding with my roommate, of course! What's funny though - especially coming from a nutrition major - is that even in my 3rd and 4th years when I did have a decently stocked kitchen, I really can’t remember cooking a single time – unless you count reheating leftovers!
This walk down Memory Lane was a result of a fun opportunity I had recently for Cooking Light. They asked me to compile a list of “essentials” that all kids moving out on their own need. As you read, remember that these are just the basics. If your child is looking to do more than reheating like I did, you might want to get a few more things!
Check out my feature for Cooking Light here : 10 Essentials Everyone Should Have in Their First Dorm or Kitchen.